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Top Five Reasons You Should Choose Montessori Education for Your Child

The Montessori method is an approach to education developed by Italian educator, Maria Montessori, who believed that children learn more when left to do things on their own. Its framework prioritizes child-led activities in a multi-age class where students can learn from one other.

Still undecided as to why you should consider sending your child to a Day Care ? The following are the five most important benefits that come with this option:

Focus on the Child’s Uniqueness

The Montessori method takes into consideration the uniqueness of every child in terms of their learning ability. Therefore, rather than teaching generic lessons to an entire group all at the same time, teachers guide every single student separately, depending on the individualized plan that has been designed for them. Drills and tests are never imposed on the kids, but they are encouraged to discover their own inclinations as they make their way to one academic conquest after another.

Designed According to Developmental Maturity

The Montessori method will not expect small kids to read lengthy texts or memorize the multiplication table. Instead, it will focus on the crucial developmental stages that every child goes through. The primary goal of Montessori education is to ensure that children have all the tools and help they need to succeed in every one of those stages. Although academic success is a worthwhile achievement, so is the child’s maturity on all levels, from physical to emotional to social and so on.

Molding Good Citizens

In a Montessori classroom, you are likely to find learners of varying ages, with about three-year gaps at most. Such classes have a family-like structure, in which social development is encouraged on both ends of the spectrum. The older kids mentor or teach the younger ones, and the younger kids look at older kids as their role models. As they grow up in the Swim Class , the kids learn a sense of community and responsibility as they shift from being the ones that need help to the ones that provide help.

Autonomous Learning

One of the most distinctive features of Montessori schools is their wide variety of well-crafted toys designed to hone various skills in each child. These toys are most often also self-correcting. For example, small kids practicing small motor skills by buttoning up their shirts will automatically see their boards whether or not they’ve done it correctly. If they haven’t, they can undo and redo until they finally nail it. This teaches them the importance of hard work in attaining goals.

Love of Knowledge

Finally, there is perhaps no advantage of Montessori education as great as the love of learning that it slowly but surely cultivates in young children. By giving the children the freedom to pursue their interests and curiosity, and also to take initiative in the classroom, they become the teachers of their own education.

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